Festival of the Arts
Event Campaign Design
Graphic design
Campaign design
Campaign design
Spring 2021
Spring 2021
The Brief
Festival of the Arts is an annual, multidisciplinary event series held by Sacramento State University’s College of Arts & Letters. The Opportunity
With the current state of the world during a pandemic, this annual event could not be held in person. The College of Arts & Letters made the switch to a virtual event. They wanted the look and feel of their marketing materials to reflect the digital theme, to adhere to Sacramento State’s branding guidelines, and uphold a feeling of positivity and celebration.
The Solution
As a graphic design intern at Sac State’s Creative Services Department, I was assigned the task of creating a cohesive look and feel for this multi-platform campaign that complied with the CSUS brand book.view campaign
pieces below! ︎︎︎
Project Deliverables:
- Postcard
- Web banners
- Motion graphic
- Hwy 50 billboard
- Sac 365 ad
- Social media profile images
- Email header
- Powerpoint slides